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Preaching at E10 is primarily “expository.” This kind of preaching puts the Biblical text at the center of every sermon. As the theologian Albert Molher explains: “Expository preaching is that mode of Christian preaching that takes as its central purpose the presentation and application of the text of the Bible . . . all other issues and concerns are subordinated to the central task of presenting the biblical text.”


From time to time we do “topical” sermons to study what the Bible says about a specific topic or issue. But overall we stick to preaching slowly through books of the Bible. Every sermon also includes down to earth, real life application.

Watch the latest sermon and explore previous sermons on YouTube.

Listen to the latest sermon and explore previous sermons on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major platforms.

Sermon Series

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The Gospel according to Luke

A Verse-by-Verse Study

A expository series through the Gospel According to Luke. We walk with Jesus, explore key doctrines, and make real-life application. This is a multi-year series. Sept. 4 to Dec. 11, 2022 covers chapters 1 thru 5. April 16 to Sept. 10, 2023 covers chapters 6 thru 9. Jan. 14 to May 12, 2024 covers chapters 10 thru 13.

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The Book of Psalms

a study

A slow walk through each psalm, verse by verse. This is a multi-year series. May 8 to Aug. 28, 2022 covers Psalms 1 thru 15. Jan. 1 to April 2, 2023 covers Psalms 16 thru 28. Sept. 17, 2023 to Jan. 7, 2024 covers Psalms 29 thru 41. May 19 thru Aug. 11, 2024 covers Psalms 42 thru 53.

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First Peter

a study

How do we, as Christians, live in a world hostile to the way of Jesus? How do we endure suffering with joy? These are just a couple of the topics we explore in our deep dive into 1 Peter.

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singing Theology at Christmas


Christmas hymns are more than sentimental tunes. Many of them are full of deep Christian theology. In this two-week series, we unpack the solid theology in “Joy to the World” and “Go Tell it on the Mountain.”

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lessons from the gospel of luke

From social media to school board meetings, it seems that everyone is talking about justice. It feels like a topic too big to tackle. In this 4-week series we narrow our focus to the Gospel of Luke and discover lessons about justice that are more powerful and personal than any current theory being promoted.

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Sing your story

A Study of Psalms 104-106

In Psalms 104, 105, and 106, the ancient Israelites sing their story. They sing about God's greatness in creation, his faithfulness to his people, the wickedness of their rebellion, and the hope of salvation. These psalms teach us as Christians how to sing our story today.

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The First Sermons

A Study in the Book of Acts

In this series we explore the first sermons preached by the first Christians as recorded in the book of Acts. Our goal is to hear the story of Jesus, as told in the first sermons, so that we are motivated to move closer to Jesus in ordinary life. 

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A Different Story

Christmas 2020

Everyday we're bombarded with stories on social media, TV, and websites. In particular, 2020 has been full of stories about despair, conflict, death, and sickness. But Christmas is a time when Christians remember a different story—a story of hope, joy, and salvation that affects how we live everyday life.

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A Study through Philippians

Paul wanted the cross pressed so deeply into his heart and mind that he would know Jesus above everything else. He told the Philippians to do the same: live a cross-formed life in order to know and reflect Jesus. We're now called to do the same.

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Biblical Pictures in Generosity

The Bible is full of examples or "portraits" of generosity. We take some time to explore just a few of these to learn how to become the kind of people who naturally give abundantly.

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The Gospel of Mark

A Verse-by-Verse Study

The Gospel of Mark is a fast moving account of the life of Jesus. We believe that if we move with Jesus through his story we will look, sound, and act more like him. We want to become the kind of people that reflect his love and justice in the world.

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Walking with Wisdom

Practical Application in Difficult Times

This series emerged during the initial months of COVID-19, when we were closed for 10 weeks. It  digs into book of Proverbs to help us, as students of Jesus, to walk with wisdom, even in the toughest situations.

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Lessons in Giving

A Study of 2 Corinthians 8-9

We believe walking in the way of Jesus changes our relationship to money. We take three weeks to explore giving and how to grow in this grace.


Our Vision

Who We Are as a Church

We have a vision to become the kind of people who naturally do the things that Jesus taught us to do. This series uses Psalm 1 as a framework for a casting a vision for our church that will last for decades. We want to be a Psalm 1 church.

East Tenth Street Christian Church

Phone: 252-537-4504

(If unavailable, leave a voicemail and we'll return your call.)



1207 E. 10th Street

Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870

Sunday School



Worship Service Time


(children's programming and nursery available)

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